Every now and again I get the chance to take a hop down to Atlantic City, NJ and enjoy some gambling, dining and the sights that are around me. Don’t worry, we generally break even at the slot machines and never add on too many pounds to our adventuring frame. However, the one thing that I always seem to find being bountiful is the amount of photographic opportunities that are around me. It’s not the same as my own metropolis of the Big Apple but it is cool in its own right and that leads me to this new bunch of images. It was the tail end of September and I was with family and had discovered that the Bally’s Atlantic City Casino had a life-sized Monopoly board right on the Boardwalk. For all intents and purposes this was being used to promote a new game that they had going on but at the same time it was a giant piece of artwork as well for all the passerby to indulge in. Using the trusty Panasonic Lumix I took a few minutes to “play” the board from beginning to end and hope that you enjoy it. Let’s roll those giant dice and get a move on shall we.

Ready, set, roll!!!

I always strive to get the “car” playing token. Usually I do.
Our journey begins and I tried to be sure to get every section of the board in my shots. Here we see a house on Baltic Avenue. You get a whopping $25 dollar or so in rent when someone lands on that. Big deal right?

Here’s a closer view of those pieces.
I always dreaded landing on Income Tax as a young lad and never knew why. Now as an adult I am well aware of how much that sucks. Our shot below also shows us the stack of “Chance” cards. What did you like better? Chance or Community Chest? I was on the fence. Still am.
I always hate getting stuck in jail while trying to roll doubles on the dice. So frustrating.

What makes me laugh is how after missing several turns around the board while trying to roll doubles, I would end up getting the “Get Out Of Jail Free” card almost immediately afterward. Gee thanks.

Here’s the Electric Company. No, not the television show. Sorry, old reference. Most of you will not know what I am talking about.
Whoever thought up the idea of putting the tax money and such other expenditures under the “Free Parking” space on the board was a genius. Sometimes I would land there to substantial gains and sometimes I would land there just after one of my opposing players had. Timing is everything they say.

Sadly no fake money under there for anyone to collect.
Stop or I’ll shoot!!! OK, a little dramatic but off to jail you go. Hope the luck is with you on your dice rolling now.
How many of you have almost cried when landing on Boardwalk that has a hotel on it? I know I have been close to that and usually broken my personal bank.

And there you have it. This was a really cool thing to check out and I surely enjoyed taking some photos of it. Fortunately there were not too many people milling about when I did so. There were signs everywhere to “not walk on the board” but people did anyway. There are a lot of idiots out there. You could walk through some middle sections to go inside but standing on the various sections was discouraged.

Monopoly is still one of the most played games in the known universe and if you have yet to own a copy in your home or apartment I suggest you get one quickly. Since its inception the game has been released in a myriad of formats. There is a Disney Monopoly, a Spongebob Squarepants edition and even one for the mighty KISS. Of course the latter one is just using the similar theme and is not sanctioned by Parker Brothers to my knowledge. It’s cheap enough to obtain via online retailers so get that credit card out and have some fun.