Just a quick thought about this oft-called Hallmark Holiday, and believe me I am not saying this as a soured single at all ๐ I do wish everyone peace and love today whether its Valentines Day or otherwise. Be good to the ones you love and remind them of what makes them special to your own day as much as possible and try to make it last a whole lot longer than the box of candy or dozen roses might give you in terms of time. There’s a lot of great people behind me and my work and all of them provide me with the positive energy and drive to move forward with zeal and gusto. I love you all. Some perhaps a little more than others, but that happens along the way in life doesn’t it ๐
The image you see above was snared while wandering down 34th Street this morning. It was in the Macy’s window and I was heading down to Toy Fair 2012 to do my journalist thing. Maybe next year I toss together a little bit more of a Valentine’s Day posting with images from around the city. Let’s see what happens. Toy Fair was celebrating the day by having boxes of these all around.
I was not much the fan of these candies, but did get a kick out of the messages on them. I was more of a Sweet Tarts kind of guy and those Smarties (mad love for Smarties). Closing up I would like to end this with a little kiss.
I know that was terrible, but really…..you didn’t expect something like this? From me? You must be new around here ๐