Hello there and welcome back. As I mentioned in the previous post, the coverage of this years Book Expo America was going to be presented right here on PiercingKen.com as opposed to my PiercingMetal.com since the exploring bore broader fruit. Starting off my visuals is the sign from the Press Office. The area itself is nice to have to sit down and collect some notes but I didn’t notice any coffee or snacks this time around which was a bit of a bummer.

One of the first things that I learned was happening today would be a signing of a preview by the legendary Richard Hell of a tome called “Massive Pissed Love”. Though I never personally followed his band The Voidoids during the heyday but of course know the seminal tune “Blank Generation” and how important it is to Rock history. Here are a few photos from that part of the morning.

I’m not one for mailing lists these days but I had to give credit to these folks who connected an old style typewriter to a more modern tablet to secure names for their offerings.

The folks at Insight Editions had some great stuff at BEA.

One of the upcoming items is a photography book by Mark Weiss and I know that is something I am going to want to review for the website. I’ve done stuff like this already over there with the Neal Zlozower’s Van Halen and Bob Gruen’s New York Dolls photographic tomes.

This company was re-issuing a couple of the Tekno Comix titles in “Neil Gaiman’s Lady Justice” and “Neil Gaiman’s Teknophage”. They had some collected editions of both among other things and even let me take a copy of “Teknophage” home with me. I liked that title along with “Mr. Hero” but that one didn’t seem to be around. Look those issues up if you are a Gaiman fan as he was instrumental to this comics universe.

So you might remember the pair of twins that I met during the previous days wanderings, well as I was leaving the convention on the second day I saw them again and they were signing copies of their book and doing a dance number to a pre-recorded song of their own making for those who had stopped by their booth. I snagged a copy of the book and then captured the dancing with my Samsung point and shoot and have embedded it for your enjoyment below. Nice girls I wish them the very best.

So that brings us to the end of this years Book Expo America coverage and I hope that you enjoyed it. The convention moves to Chicago, IL for next year’s event and I am assuming for the foreseeable future and I will NOT be heading there to explore it based on the logistics involved.
Official Websites:
Book Expo America: http://www.bookexpoamerica.com/
Insight Editions: https://insighteditions.com/
Richard Hell: http://www.richardhell.com/