Greetings my friends, I am happy to report that I am once again attending the Book Expo as a member of the press. The event used to be called Book Expo America but it was rebranded a couple of years ago. It also moved to Chicago for a year so we missed out on it but now its back in the New York Groove and I couldn’t be happier. Below is what the Media Badge looked like and here we go.
I arrived on the early side and since this is NOT the NY Comic Con, its much easier to navigate. Generally I like to start from the left side and head across the aisles much like I would do NYCC.
I shot this for an example of how nice the space is. During Toy Fair this is the Press Area and during NY Comic Con, the folks at DC Comics generally have a massive display up to explore.
I headed over to the area where the comic book publishers are because I love supporting them. To make this an even more comprehensive adventure, I added a post about Marvel Comics and Image Comics on so click those company names to be transported over to those articles.
These next photos are for those readers who are crafty. Some truly wonderful and inspiring creative items. Check them out.
One section of the convention had a healthy group of independent authors who are in attendance to generate interest in their books. I took some but not all of their picture. Take a look.
Much like any other convention, there are special signings to participate in and here is a visual of those who are waiting to meet a favorite author. The staff prevents you from snapping a photo of those who are doing the signing which is a tad annoying when you are looking to report on an event but those are the rules.
This author is the man behind a comic series called “Bio-Sapien” and they also own a place called Action Burger which is something I’ve wanted to visit but just haven’t managed the time.
I loved the idea of these monster books for children. Would you like me to give these a once over for the readers of “The Chronicles”? Let me know in our comments. They come care of Hazy Dell Press.
I love buttons and if you purchased some of the books they were giving you one or two.
Here’s A.C. Moyer, a writer of mystery and suspense and her “Size Zero” tome. Abby was giving a lot of books away today and that was very awesome of her. She also had some tasty chocolates to take and I admit I was in need of the sugar rush. Thanks A.C.
I loved this idea. The convention staff were giving away these buttons and you could write which number Book Expo this was for you. It’s best to use a Sharpie of course and I wore mine blank to make people guess. At first I didn’t remember which one it was but it was indeed my fifth event.
That’s all for this part of the Book Expo adventuring and I hope that you liked it because there is more to come. Please click through to some of the websites below which will let you learn more about the interesting people that we focused on in this chapter. Also, please make sure that you are following us on our social networking sites of Facebook, Twitter and especially Instagram because we are broadcasting from the scene and think that you will enjoy those updates. See you next time.
Official Websites:
Book Expo:
Hazy Dell Press:
Joe Books Ltd.
Quirk Books:
The Wayward Astronomer: