Yesterday I posted an item on contemporary Chinese art which was being shown in connection with the Book Expo America event over at the Javits Center. This year, China was the country of focus and this display was in the main hall and open to the general public along with one that showcased the techniques of printing and publishing in Ancient China. I’m rushing to get these two posts to your radar because they close quite soon (I think today and tomorrow are the remaining days) because while the larger BEA event is industry only, this part is come one, come all. Hopefully many of you readers can get over to the Javits Center and see this. There’s not much narrative discussion here and instead just images displaying on your favorite devices. Enjoy.

In case you were curious, I shot all of these with the Samsung point and shoot since it happened to be in my hand when I walked into the exhibit. This was really interesting stuff for sure. My oh my has publishing come a long way since these ancient times. For good measure I’ve added a Wikipedia link that will lead you to some proper learning about the subject and in the coming days will be posting the findings at Book Expo America and Book Con. Stay tuned and thanks as always for your kind attention.
Official Wiki: