LCD Soundsystem @ Brooklyn Steel

Brooklyn Steel 319 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Indie-Rock favorites LCD Soundsystem are performing a "20" night residency at the Brooklyn Steel venue. Come once, twice or as many times as you can get tickets for.

LCD Soundsystem @ Brooklyn Steel

Brooklyn Steel 319 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Indie-Rock favorites LCD Soundsystem are performing a "20" night residency at the Brooklyn Steel venue. Come once, twice or as many times as you can get tickets for.

LCD Soundsystem @ Brooklyn Steel

Brooklyn Steel 319 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Indie-Rock favorites LCD Soundsystem are performing a "20" night residency at the Brooklyn Steel venue. Come once, twice or as many times as you can get tickets for.

LCD Soundsystem @ Brooklyn Steel

Brooklyn Steel 319 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Indie-Rock favorites LCD Soundsystem are performing a "20" night residency at the Brooklyn Steel venue. Come once, twice or as many times as you can get tickets for.

LCD Soundsystem @ Brooklyn Steel

Brooklyn Steel 319 Frost Street, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Indie-Rock favorites LCD Soundsystem are performing a "20" night residency at the Brooklyn Steel venue. Come once, twice or as many times as you can get tickets for.

To submit an event for consideration as a listing on this calendar for the greater NYC Metro area, please submit a comment via the About Page and be as detailed as possible. Thanks, The Management.

A Lifestyle Blog with a New York Flair