One of the things that you will find me saying rather often with this particular blog site is how its a wise idea to pay attention to the sights and scenes around you each day because its always possible that something you see will bring you a smile to your face or give you an idea for a blog posting. That said, when I went out to buy a copy of “Captain America The Winter Soldier” at the local Best Buy, we chanced upon a Car Show of some kind set up in the Ceasar’s Bay parking lot. I took a whole mess of photos that I am sharing with you now in this narrative but bear in mind that I am not a car expert so cannot identify anything here but do please enjoy the offerings.
If you are a bit of a car afficionado and can identify one or more of these beauties, you can let me know via the mailbox on our Official PiercingKen Facebook Page and I will append them and even thank you for the assistance in this post.