Category Archives: Reviews

Any review that is done for the website be it music, video, convention, concert or trade show. The sky is the limit and all are found under one section.

PiercingKen Goes To The PDN Photoplus Expo 2011

It was almost Halloween and only a few short weeks after the NY Comic Con that I documented HERE over on PiercingMetal and that meant that it was now the PDN Photoplus Expo’s turn to take over the Javits Center. This was my second year attending and I would take this adventure with my good buddy Skeleton Pete.

Logo - PDN Photo Expo

For the most part this post will be one of photos only and I will admit to paying a little bit more attention to some of the models that we chanced upon. So without any further adieu, here we go.

pdn photoplus expo, pdn photoplus expo 2011, photos from pdn photoplus expo 2011
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The “Figurations” of the Fashion District

It was just about a year ago when I was walking down Broadway on my way to see a publicity rep of note that I discovered a public art display that was really interesting. They called it the Sidewalk Catwalk or something of that nature and it was the kind of thing that made me glad that I almost always carry some kind of camera with me on my NYC wanderings.  You truly never know what you are going to see during the course of the day in this amazing city.  That brings me to this next blog posting, “The Figurations of the Fashion District”. The journey begins here on 36th Street and Broadway.  The sign below comes from a few blocks lower of course but I added it here for dramatic effect.

Welcome Fashionistas!

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A Summerstage Soiree with Imelda May & Wanda Jackson (7/27/2011)

Readers of my site know full well that I see a LOT of concerts with journalistic intent in mind but it is rare that I am actually the guest of another provider of similar entertainment.  I sometimes kid with my fellow media peeps how my simply going to a show to just “enjoy it” was difficult and that I always felt compelled to bring some kind of visual image or story to the masses after the fact no matter who it was.  That being said when our own Skeleton Pete was preparing to cover the Wanda Jackson/Imelda May show at Central Park’s Summerstage for his eponymous blog, I was more than happy to be the guest that came with his credentials.   The show was free for this particular outdoor event, but there are ones that are pay to enter.  Here is the marquee for the show.

The Succinct Marquee

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Brooklyn’s Street Sounds Celebrates “Gretsch Day 2011”

Just last week Bay Ridge’s own Street Sounds Music celebrated it’s annual “Gretsch Day” and for those fans of the wonderful instruments that come care of this fine company, this was the place to be on this almost Summer afternoon. Street Sounds is cited as the world’s largest retailer of these guitars and when you see the collection they offer you as a musician you can see why this is the case. This will be the third event of its kind being held at the location and it was going to be a fun filled day of special guests, food, prizes and music. Today was also the annual Mermaid Day Parade out in Coney Island but I felt my time was better spent socializing and reporting on this event. So read on dear readers and hopefully feel like you were there with us.

gretsch day, gretsch day 2011, gretsch guitars, street sounds instruments
Welcome To Gretsch Day @ Street Sounds

The store was decorated up for the event with signs whose bright colors welcomed all passerby.   Here’s a shot of the shop owner Rocky Schiano and guitarist Paul Pigat.

gretsch day, gretsch day 2011, gretsch guitars, street sounds instruments
Proprietor Rocky Schiano & Paul Pigat

Next up a little better view of today’s musical menu.  As you can see there would be appearances by Fred Gretsch and Joe Carducci along with Miss Kim Falcon.  Fred Gretsch III actually was responsible for reviving the company a little over twenty years ago and Joe is their product specialist while Kim is their official spokes model/calendar girl.  Now that you know all of these details we can continue along.

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PiercingKen’s Adventures At Book Expo America 2011

Readers of my music journalist adventures and narratives who are keeping tabs of what I do over on and its companion Blog are probably already fully aware of my recent outing to the Blogworld & New Media Expo 2011 which was held at the Javits Center on Manhattan’s West Side this past week.  I attended said convention for the exhibition floor only in order to see what I might learn as a person whose brand is firmly entrenched in the world wide web and its Blogosphere.  The Javits Center as an event space was no longer new to me as a media scribe for I had been on point to cover 2010’s NY Comic Con and Anime Festival as well as the absolutely incredible Toy Fair 2011.

bea 2011, book expo america 2011

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