Hello there my friends and welcome to yet another hopefully exciting presentation from the Chronicles. You read that title correctly and I am heading down south to see the family once again as its been too long since my last time with them.
I’ve been meaning to share this little group of films for a few months now but somehow it just got by me. Of course, the delay made this a little better at the end of the day and here is why. The origin of the clips comes from my couple of times a year journey upstate to see friends and to get up there I take the Hudson River line train and get to enjoy its wonderful visuals (depending on the day of course). The last time that I headed up there I decided to snag some clips on the trip back to the Big Apple. I had done a few moments of video between each train station stop for about three stops.
Now instead of loading up four separate videos and adding each of those in, I used Microsoft Movie Maker to tie them together for one hopefully enjoyable experience. I think the next time that I head up this way I will capture these visuals “on the way” there and do breaks between stations like this. The software allows me to easily tie them together so let’s see what happens when I attempt that. Stay tuned and until next time have a nice day.
I was visiting some relatives in New Jersey this past weekend and while tagging along on some errands noticed an older house that had signage claiming that it was a historical landmark known as the Hendrick Van Allen House. A brief about the house is on the sign below and that will give you a proper insight. I walked around the property without incident and snapped a few photos for you to enjoy. Take a look.
My family retired and relocated down South to Myrtle Beach, SC not too long ago and I was finally able to visit the new home and do some exploration of the area. All of the places that I got to see were perfect items for this lifestyle blog so here are some visuals from the St. John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church that I got to see when we attended a Greek Fair being held on its property. There was music and food of the Greek nature and since one of the attendants to the church was talking to us I was able to walk around and snap plenty of photographs.
So here I am in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina seeing my family after far too many months of not having done so. They retired down here last year and are keeping the kind of schedule that I am doing up in New York City and with my visit had lined out numerous activities that they themselves wanted to try. One the adventures was actually to ride in a scenic helicopter. Here is my Helicopter Adventure.
I had never been in a helicopter before so it was going to be interesting and yeah a little bit frightening since heights and I are just not something I easily deal with. As you can see the helicopters have a few different routes to take. The longer the tour, the more expensive the per person ride is going to be. I suggested that we take the shortest route since there was so much other stuff to do while I was here.
Everyone had to weigh in before the ride because the weight had to be in proper proportion. You didn’t want the helicopter to fly sideways now did you? I didn’t think so. Resultant of the weight-in, I sat in the back seats on the right-hand side. Hey here is our chopper.