Category Archives: Lifestyle

Merry Christmas 2016 From Our House To Yours

Hello my friends, and a very “Merry Christmas” to you all if you celebrate the holiday as we do of course. As Hanukkah began last night as well I will also extend a wish for a very happy one to those who are celebrating it among our readership. What a year it has been. I’m hoping that our wish finds you in good form and doing something with the people that matter most in your personal world. Family, friends, beloved animals etc. For this years image I couldn’t find a proper “costume” for Miss Spooke and it was only last year that I did the little Santa hat on her in the first place. Instead she opted to pose with the cap I will be wearing to Monday’s Trans-Siberian Orchestra show.

Meowy Christmas!

The photo below is the same one that I used on my PiercingMetal website wish for the holidays because it was perfect for the occasion. I happened to catch up with Mr. Claus over at a recent Sirius XM event and I swore that I had been good. Hey I don’t want the Krampus dragging me away because I have too many posts to deliver to you.

Alright, that’s all I have for now, so please enjoy the holiday and know that I will see you very soon with something new and interesting. Thanks for reading these words and images. You’re all the best in my mind 🙂

The Saks Fifth Avenue Holiday Facade (2016)

saks fifth avenue logo

I was out with friends last week and after the holiday fun, went on some adventuring to finish my Christmas Tree hunting and to see if I could snag the always impressive display by Sak’s Fifth Avenue. Luckily, just as I had hit the corner the next presentation was set to begin so I shot from where I stood with the trusty Samsung point and shoot.

I hope that you liked it, I think next time I am going to try and get this a little more in the center of the area since some part of this were hard to see. Stay tuned for some additional Holiday fun for the season as my Christmas In NYC posts continue.

Official Website:

Saks Fifth Avenue Presents: “Land Of 1000 Delights”

I was out with friends just the night before and after our gather I felt that finishing up what I was referring to as my “Christmas Tree Hunt” explorations would be a great idea. I still needed the Rockefeller Center and Bloomberg Building ones and while heading down to one of my mapped out locations I noticed the windows at Saks Fifth Avenue and since it was late enough to not have a large crowd filtering past, I snapped some images for you all to enjoy. The display was called “Land Of 1000 Delights” and I’ll let you peruse.

saks fifth avenue, land of 1000 delights

saks fifth avenue, land of 1000 delights
Continue reading Saks Fifth Avenue Presents: “Land Of 1000 Delights”

A Foodie Goodbye To The “Big Mac” Daddy; Jim Delligatti Has Died (1918-2016)


Foodies around the realm are having a Mac attack at the sad news that Jim Delligatti, the creator of the famous McDonald’s hamburger the Big Mac, has passed away. He was 98 and will forever be known for this incredible fast food burger. In honor of his passing, I paid a visit to my local franchise and ordered up a couple of them and a small fries. They were two for $6 in my neighborhood so I figured the indulgence would be worked off with all of the walking coming up in the next few days. I don’t eat these all that much nowadays despite loving the occasional hamburger at various pubs and clubs that I venture into for my forays. Its a perfect blend of two whole beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun. Did you know there was actually a jingle for this way back in the day? There was. We even had a giant Big Mac as the policeman of a place called McDonaldland which many of you readers are far too young to remember but it was surely fun. Funnier still was that action figures existed of these characters and while I had them they have been long lost to the sands of time. They’re worth lots of money now too as well.

The history of the hamburger known as the Big Mac was quite interesting to read and you can learn about the famous hamburger on its Wikipedia entry below. Goodnight Mr. Delligatti, thanks for your creation and for increasing my waistline a little bit over the years. May you Rest In Peace.

Official Wiki:

Happy Thanksgiving 2016 To All

Hey there my readers, I just wanted to take a few minutes of your time to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving if you are in a part of the world that celebrates this today.


It’s a good day to reflect upon the things that make you feel thankful and I’d like to say that I am very thankful for the supportive parents that I have and my sweet feline girl Spooke. They make my personal world a whole lot better when it comes down to it. I’m thankful for my health and the friends in my immediate circle both real life and cyberspace wise. I’m thankful for a very interesting pursuit/passion that lets me celebrate the things I enjoy on a daily basis. I am also very thankful that you readers choose to come visit me here every now and again. It’s a pleasure to offer up some entertainment to distract from the occasional pitfalls of the day. Here’s a couple of things that you can do today to show some thanks and appreciation.

– If your parents are still with you and you’re not seeing them make a phone call. Not an email or text. No one is too busy for that.
– Spoil your pet if you have one. Extra treats, move away from the space that they want on the couch and added love to let them realize the special that they bring to your day.
– Text people you don’t see all that often and wish you did. Not a group message mind you but a quick thought from the heart. I feel that this goes a long way. I know I love those when I see them but definitely not the group message stuff since no one likes those anymore.
– Use your social networks in a positive fashion. No arguing politics or state of the world affairs. That stuff can wait for a day IMHO but chiming in with good words on other friends posts, that is best done a lot today.

That’s all I have to say but as usual with a post like this, I might add a photo of some of the food that was enjoyed today when that time comes. It’s not bragging, I just like taking photos of food 🙂 Enjoy your day.