OK I am pissed. Why you might ask? Well let me tell you what happened and its all because of these little clip out coupons that one normally finds on the boxes for the Nino’s pizzeria in Bay Ridge. For as long as I can remember in terms of a healthy amount of recent years, this particular pizzeria offered you the means to get a free large pizza pie after collecting 10 of the coupons that you would find stamped on the pizza box. Here’s a visual of a single one for reference.

Over the last couple of years you seemed to need about twelve of the coupons but that was easy to attain if you invited some friends over for a sporting event and some beers. Totally pizza munching kind of things let you stock up on the coupons a little faster but with the last pizza I ordered I noticed that there was no coupon on the box. I thought it was a mistake but then Mom and Dad told me that they didn’t notice one either when they last ordered pizza for themselves. At this point I had a decent amount of the coupons stocked up and I felt I was very close to a free pie which would be wisely used on a night of blogging about some of my recent adventures in music or just conventional photographic discoveries.

So while out on some errands I popped in and spoke to one of the managers who said “Oh no, we are not doing that anymore since it got out of hand”. Apparently some idiots figured out a way to clone these coupons and were ordering free pie after free pie. Rather than dealing with the likes of that, the management of Nino’s Pizza decided to simply end the coupons. The economy has been rough on everyone lately and I had to admit that losing something that was a nice treat every once in awhile downright sucked. Fortunately my frequent patronage of the establishment found me able to use these last ones and as I handed over the stack I felt a little sad.

Below are the final fruits of my collecting the coupons from Nino’s. I really hope that they choose to rethink the process as its not fair that the real and loyal customers have to suffer because of some idiots. I guess my Dad saying “there is always one who can ruin it for everyone” is true. Man I hate when he is right sometimes 🙂 I mean look at that slice below, isn’t it awesome? Just think of how much more awesome it becomes when you sometimes get one for free. Sigh.

While I am not going to stop hitting this particular pizzeria in the neighborhood based on it’s being so damned good, I do curse the schemers and scammers who have killed my occasional reward of a free pie for my continual business. I hope you idiots choke on something really soon. Thanks for effing up a really nice thing that was looked forward to a couple of times a year. You’re kind always seems to find a way to do that. Fucktards.
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