Category Archives: Lifestyle

A Sad Goodbye To Nice Guy Eddies :(

Dear New York City. Please stop shutting down the places that I like to go to before shows and enjoy a beer with my friends. Alright, so perhaps the city did not actually close this establishment but by the time you are reading this posting the bar known as Nice Guy Eddies will have closed and I am not too happy about it. Eddie’s had become the official pregaming space for me and many of my friends as we headed to shows at Mercury Lounge and even the couple of blocks away Piano’s and Arlene’s Grocery.

Continue reading A Sad Goodbye To Nice Guy Eddies 🙁

A Little Garden Art For Ya

I must admit that sometimes the strangest observances pique my interest and such was the case while hitting a neighborhood Home Depot store not too long ago where I found myself in the garden section and was curiously amused by the stacked up watering cans. At first glance I thought that they were cleverly and skillfully positioned together on top of one another and balanced with deadly precision so as not to topple over. It was only when a gust of wind blew the baseball cap I was wearing off my head that I realized how each of these cans were instead hanging on to security by a pole that was in the bucket display. The realization was a combination of the cap falling right near the stack of cans and also in my seeing that they did not fall down. Take a look though, its kind of deceiving right?

Here’s another angle.

Sometimes the illusion or perception of it makes it a magical visual but of course I might finally need a pair of glasses. Sigh. Alright that is all I have for you right now. See you again soon.

I Am The Egg Man – In A Sense I Guess

Or should I have said “I am an egg man”?

Since the PiercingKen blogsite is often about some of the kitchen skullduggery that I involve myself in, I decided to invite you all over for breakfast. Well, in a manner of speaking that is. It was Saturday and the day before Easter and I was not only hungrier than usual for this kind of morning but I also felt like putting a bunch of stuff together and work out a recipe for you all to potentially enjoy. Sadly, I had not thought of taking individual shots of each and every ingredient this time around because not only have I done that before, but how exciting are shots of chopped up stuffs anyway. My goal this morning was to fix up a great omelet and I just love the things in all honesty. Write this down for reference okay? This one used three medium sized eggs, some sliced pepperoni, chopped up mushrooms, pepper jack cheese and salsa (of the medium hotness). I will type out the steps I took after you enjoy the yummy photos. Here is the final result on the plate with a tasty onion Bialey. Looks good right?

Here’s a shot from the side of the plate. I could not wait to sink my fangs into this one and finish enjoying the non-pictured but massive cup of coffee I had made. This was clearly going to get me prepped for the evening’s Metal show. In order to learn about that you will have to monitor my Official PiercingMetal Musings Blog (which I think a lot of you are doing as well).

OK so now the steps. For this particular omelet I used three medium sized eggs as opposed to two jumbo ones, and once they were nicely blended together I toss them into the medium pan. A small pat of butter was added for good measure.

After about thirty seconds of this cooking in the pan I tossed the chopped pepperoni, mushrooms and the cheese right on top to cook a little deeper into the eggs. Then the tricky part of flipping it was done but as you can see in the image I did alright this time. Figures on a day without company it comes out perfect. The insides were nice and cooked and the cheese super gooey.

This was the perfect fuel for the later evening Metal show that I would be seeing. That’s all I have for you now though. Back to your day you go.

I Admit To Being Vanilla Sometimes :)

Oh and I am speaking of just a preferred flavor of choice and nothing quite as drastic as some of you might be thinking. Anyways, so the reason I am exclaiming this to you is based on a recent shopping adventure where I saw what lies in the photo below. I had never heard of Vanilla Syrup before but I guess it had to exist since I used to get Vanilla soda back when I was a young boy on shopping adventures with my Grandmother. There was one candy store who used to make soda as well and this was one of their concoctions. That and egg creams. Mmmmmm egg creams.

This stuff really upgrades a cold glass of milk if you are seeking something different than the chocolate syrup family. Of course I love those as well as my sometimes expanding waistline tells me. I have yet to sample this delicious stuff in any other offering but feel it might work well over some of the coffee as it brews or perhaps even on ice cream. The trick of using this stuff is to pour carefully as its much thinner in consistency than chocolate syrup and clear so you can easily overload your spoon. Either way, I am glad that I picked this up. I love it.

That’s all I got for you now. Please continue along with your business.

Cooking Up Some “Extreme Baked Potatoes”

This one was pretty easy and I decided to share the concoction with you all based on my just chilling out one evening and feeling like cooking up something tasty and relatively quick. I love baked potatoes, and I also love “amping them up” or making the eating experience a little bit more Metal. This is a simple one and I didn’t photograph it in a step by step fashion since there was no need to.

2 reasonably sized Idaho Potatoes (I used two smaller ones since I am trying to watch what I eat every now and again).
4-6 wedges of cheese. For this experience I used both a Sharp Cheddar and a Pepperjack Cheese. The latter one has a nice little kick to it that is wonderful.
6-8 Jalapeno Peppers
2-4 Pepperoncini Peppers
4 slices of smoked kielbasa
4 slices of pepperoni
Salsa of Choice (mild, medium, or hot). I went with Medium. I find the brand I use perfect for this. Their hot is too much so and their mild is in a word, lame.

The Steps:
First bake the potatoes. I use the setting on my microwave and that takes no more than 3 or 4 minutes to get them done. Then let them sit a moment so you can handle them easily. You obviously should thoroughly wash the potatoes and poke them a couple of times with a knife before putting them into the micro.

The rest is pretty easy and just a placement project. I technically made two different kinds of this recipe today and had the kielbasa, pepperoncini, and cheddar cheese on one while the other had the pepperoni, pepperjack cheese and jalapenos. One of these was much hotter than the other. Can you tell which one?

This is a slightly different angle of the whole shebang before I nuked it a little more. I didn’t take a photo of the final product but it pretty much looks the same as this. Only much gooier.

After they are melted to your preference you can put the salsa on the top of them. I don’t melt the cheeses with that on the top and opt to wait until it is finished and ready to be served. That’s all, this takes about ten minutes in total and depending on how many people you have hanging out is how many you will need. This could be considered a two person nosh since we made four individual segments of it. Give it a try.