Today is the Orthodox Easter Celebration if you are Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and so forth. Historically speaking this was my Grandmother’s biggest of the religious celebrations and part of the service was the proclamation of “”Khristos voskres! Voistinu voskres” which is translated to “Christ is Risen, Indeed He is Risen” (I am ancestrally part Russian but speak barely a sentence being a third generation piece of the familial puzzle). Nan used to attend services at a beautiful cathedral in Greenpoint/Williamsburg Brooklyn where she lived all of her life and it was called the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. It’s quite a bit to say but based on its wonderful structure and interior it works. Though I am not trying to be overly religious in this post, I wanted to use it to remember Nan on her holiday and to share images that I discovered were taken back in 2012 when I was last inside the place. I used a very small (but handy) Sony Cybershot and I didn’t have a lot of light to work with or time but I snapped away and intended to use the images much sooner than I did.
I just wanted to take a moment to let all of our readers know that my no longer little cat Spooke has reached her fourteenth year. Today is her birthday and I have had her since birth from her mother Shadow and both can be seen in the photo below. This was taken when Spooke was only about two weeks old and that is her brother KISS to the right. He lives somewhere in Brooklyn I am told and sadly Shadow left us back in November of 2015. We still both miss her very much.
Since this is a great birthday to reach, I wanted to share that early shot and this one which has always been one of my favorites from when she was about a month and a half. I loved that she had blue eyes at first but they would become green as she got older. She was one of four kittens that Shadow had and I kept her for company to the mother cat while putting the siblings up for adoption.
I took this shot yesterday when she was trying to claim the chair from me. She didn’t want to join me, she just wanted it for herself so of course since I didn’t really need to be in the chair I went off to do other things. Who could resist these eyes after all.
Spooke is a very talkative cat and understands me with a handful of phrases which is fun. She is still very playful and seems to be healthy. She has never been anything but pleasant in demeanor and is spoiled as much as she allows herself to be. I didn’t rush to get another cat when Shadow passed on and instead opted to leave Spooke as queen of the house. I love her dearly, she is my girl. Happy Birthday again. Love your pets my friend. Its important stuff.
I was heading home from the Megadeth show just the other night and ended up walking past the famous Macy’s Department store where the windows caught my eyes. It was for a fashion line of some kind called “Good Life” and I liked the look of the windows display so wanted to share the visuals with you. Check it out.
Well here we are in 2016 and Spooke the Cat and I would like to wish you and your families/friends and your socially networked connections a Very Happy New 2016. Make the most of it and perhaps change some of the things that you felt didn’t quite add up in your world during 2015. I’ve made some possible guidelines for you below the photo of my best girl. The New Years tiara was impossible to keep on her head so we get what we get in that image.
1. Live life in the real and not in the Facebook. I am sorry but wow did last year have some drama all around thanks to this pain in the a$$ world of Facebook. I’m not going to expand on it but holy mackerel was I shocked when I learned firsthand just how important people feel that network is in their own life space. Don’t comment on everything you see or add your two cents without being fully aware of what is being discussed. Be wary of who you add and who you delete (I will speak more on this one later as its important). Be cautious about what you post and share about your real life if you are not 100% sure of who sees it. Tread carefully with this network my friends, I still shake my head at some of the outcomes I have experienced and seen it cause all around. I’ll probably be using it mostly for site broadcast at this point.
2. Go through your emails and old texts and catch up with folks you might have lost contact with for some reason. Speaking personally, I love receiving a text or email from someone that I am missing. I’d say make a phone call but nobody seems to want to do that anymore. Remember that catching up or giving a crap requires more effort than clicking “like” on someone’s Facebook status or posting a “thumbs up” icon. Continue reading Happy New Year 2016 My Friends→
Just a quick wish of a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that I know in the real world along with those I know from the cyber realm who happen to be celebrating this particular holiday. When I saw this giant stuffed turkey during one of my wanders, I knew he was perfect for this posting 🙂
I’m hoping that this note finds everyone who comes to this little site of mine in good form and that you have someplace to be today and friends/family/colleagues to be thankful with together. Recent news only firms up the need for our sticking together as much as and whenever possible to do so. Hopefully your planning on settling into a big meal today and please remember that there is NO Facebook at the table or even Instagram for that matter (unless of course you are like bombing any of my posts on our social networking pages hint hint, nudge nudge). You can save that for the coffee time without losing your mind I am sure. Try to check in with people who you might not have heard from recently or touched base with as often as you might have liked to for one reason or another. It only takes a second with a mobile device and please do not do a massive group texting wish because those are just so impersonal these days and start endless reply streams of “who is this, why are you texting me”……trust me I’ve been there. No bueno.
Speaking personally I am very thankful for all of the wonderful people who have touched my life along with the extra special thanks to my parents and my sweet cat Spooke. I’m sad that we don’t have Shadow here with us anymore but wow was I thankful to have as many years as we did together before she left. Be extra appreciative of your fur babies today as well with added treats, leaving them be on the couch even if they are not supposed to be there and more playtime. Oh and did I mention less Facebook already? I hope so. I’d like to think that everyone seeing this has something if not several things to be thankful for even if its not always clear as a bell. Do a little extra today as appreciation of that and see if you can keep that mindset going well into 2016.
That’s all I got, have a Happy Thanksgiving my Friends.