Category Archives: Lifestyle

Happy Halloween 2016 Readers

Jeepers, creepers my readers it’s that time of year once again and Miss Spooke and I wanted to wish you a very “Happy Halloween”.


I didn’t really have any sort of costume for her and the mask pictured was too big so let’s leave her undisguised today. She was talking to me in the shot which made this all the more fun a capture. Have a safe day today, be kind to the Trick or Treaters and if you have a stray cat that comes around your place, consider giving them something to make their day better as well. Enjoy your Halloween.

Happy National Black Cat Day 2016


Today is National Black Cat Day for this year and according to the Facebook post that I read cites…

“Did you know that sadly, black or black and white cats take on average 22% longer to find a forever home in rehoming centres. Help us to raise awareness and celebrate National black cat day by posting a photo of your black cat, or simply show your appreciation for these beautiful felines”

Below is my lovely girl Spooke who I have had in my company since her birth some fourteen and a half years ago. She is still rather spry which I am happy to report and is very, very friendly and one of the chattiest cats that I have ever had. She “talks” to me even more than Shadow used to when we had her. I took this only a short time before the post was scribbled together. Spooke is the offspring of my cat Shadow who passed away just about a year ago now and yes I still miss her very much. The memory remains after so many years with her in my company. In case you wondered this is Spooke’s side of the couch for the most part 🙂


My pretty and very good Spooke is going to continue enjoying National Black Cat day by spending it on either my couch or the bed or perhaps even the chair that she likes most. There are days when I have seen her on all three of the apartments offerings. So be it. It’s her day. While I am not sure of anyone’s pet situation or interest, I must stress that a cat is a great NYC apartment pet. Less demanding than a pup and less space. Consider rescuing from a local shelter if you have space in your home and heart for a furbaby that needs you just as much. Think about it.

If you Tweet or Instagram your own Black Cat today use the hashtag of #blackcatday so all can get a chance to see your beloved feline friend.

Walgreens Introduces Exclusive “Gotham Girls” Makeup Sets

You readers might already know that I go to the NY Comic Con every year and document the adventures over on – Well, as result of this I get to meet groups of wonderful Cosplayers and a few have remained friends with me for years. Recently, one of them who regularly dresses as Harley Quinn, asked me that if I should see the “Gotham Girls” makeup sets by Walgreens could I snap some photos for her. I guess she wanted to see if these helped with the accessorizing of her colorful outfits. Anyway, my local store had them and I snapped a few photos. Here is what they look like.

gotham girls makeup, walgreens
Continue reading Walgreens Introduces Exclusive “Gotham Girls” Makeup Sets

Eating It Up @ BurgerFi

I’ve been wanted to try the recently opened Burgerfi restaurant in my Bay Ridge neighborhood since I first saw it but like most plans, they got shifted to the wayside until the other day.  Now the time had come and I would finally get to sample their offerings.

burgerfi, hamburger joints

Once you place your order, you get one of these little buzzer devices to let you know when your meal is ready.  I chuckled at this because the place isn’t really that big so just shouting “number five” is not out of order.  Oh well.

burgerfi, hamburger joints

Continue reading Eating It Up @ BurgerFi

Sights From Brooklyn’s 149th Kings County Memorial Day Parade

Today is Memorial Day 2016 and just a short time ago my neighborhood of Bay Ridge was once again host to the King’s County Memorial Day Parade. This would be the 149th edition of this parade and it was initially kind of scary in terms if the weather above us. It rained a few hours ago but reports were that it would clear up around the time of the parade and lo and behold it did. Now it was time to honor those who’s service and sacrifice have helped keep this country safe and free. Once again this was to be an early starting parade, at 11am to be precise and would be led off by the Rolling Thunder motorcycle club. I grabbed my usual spot on the corner of 92nd Street and Third Avenue and snapped away for your own enjoyment for those who could not be here with us today based on no longer being in the neighborhood or with other commitments. As I’ve done in the past I will start off with the video of the Rolling Thunder and then get right into a whole lot of photographs. Please sit back, enjoy a coffee or something else to relax you and enjoy our presentation.

bay ridge parades, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade 2016, memorial day parades 2016

bay ridge parades, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade 2016, memorial day parades 2016
Continue reading Sights From Brooklyn’s 149th Kings County Memorial Day Parade