Category Archives: PiercingKen Says

General Announcements and Editorial posts.

Bay Ridge Celebrates It’s Middle Eastern Cultural Side

I was in the city the other night with my good buddy Skeleton Pete as our plan for the day was to attend a music showcase that was being held by WeRoqq PR and their Baltimore based band “The Perfects“.    It’s always par for the course when Peter and I hit an event that we arrive in the Big Apple a little earlier to accomplish some other wanderings and also be able to get a bite to eat without feeling rushed.  As we walked through the streets downtown, I had wantd to see if anything had opened in the space where my beloved Acme Restaurant used to be and while there was still a shuttered space there was also some kind of Middle Eastern cultural event taking place.  Both of us are fans of some of the delectable culinary offerings from this region but the event was closing out so we would not be able to indulge.  We did strike up a conversation with some of the people milling about and discovered from one chap that this same event was going to take place in a part of Brooklyn called Bay Ridge (“if I had ever heard of it” he continued).  I’m very familiar with the region as its home base for PiercingMetal and a lot of my family is here which brings me to the photographs in this blog posting.

The Stage From Afar

Continue reading Bay Ridge Celebrates It’s Middle Eastern Cultural Side

PiercingKen & Skeleton Pete Go To Blogworld & New Media Expo 2011

Readers already know that we have hit a few conventions for the sake of blogging and featured them here if the adventure was deemed suitable for this medium as opposed to my main website;  Sometimes the wanderings and viewpoints cross-pollinate across both blogs and such is the case with the Blogworld and New Media Expo that was recently held at NYC’s Javits Center.  My colleague Skeleton Pete and I decided to go to this event and wander the exhibition hall to see what it offered up.  Since we are both bloggers and photographers, the thought was that we might be able to take some solid information back to our respective readerships while at the same time learning some tricks of this wild west of a trade.  As PiercingMetal’s official blog is my true “main blog”, I felt that the ideas formulated were best served up in that space, but I decided to use the PiercingKen blog as a bit of a traffic sign.  Please click the logo below to be taken to that story and the images that were captured.

Please note that comments are disabled under this posting but readers with topical views can easily leave them under the main post that this page leads to. Thanks.

PiercingKen Attended The Big Apple Comic Con 2011

You might recall my mentioning about how I had attended the NY Comic Con back in October on behalf of my Metal & Hard Rock entertainment site  If you don’t – well now you know.  I did this because the music medium and the comic book one are two things that work together as well as peanuts in M&M’s and like that other adventure, this particular one is being served up on my Official Blog for which we affectionately call “PiercingMetal Musings”.  With the last convention I decided to let this side blog offer you a chance to see it by clicking the logo and since that worked out rather well I am doing so again.  The logo below shall take you to the main page of the article and it shall show you the chapters.  It was a fun time but vastly different from that of the gigantic NY Comic Con.

Please note that comments are disabled under this posting as its more of a traffic sign than an actual posting.  Feel free to leave any thoughts or impressions on the individual chapters as you see fit.  We always love to hear them.

The PiercingKen Blog Is One Year Old Today!!!

Can you believe it? I know that I can’t because I didn’t expect to use this blog site as much as I ended up doing but that is okay because I love the freedom that it offers me as a provider of written and visual entertainment. When I launched, you might remember that it originally had a Blogger account for a few posts. If you don’t recall this, that is okay because every post was imported into the new WordPress medium we moved to only a few months after launching. Looking back on the creative year that it’s been I found a little surprise that I didn’t manage to start off the blog with an introductory post about its premise, but I guess I was just too eager to start delivering different content to a different audience from my readership.

Since launching the site, its been fortunate enough to develop its own fan base and readership and I was happy to find this being the case. I’ve really strove to do a lot of postings that reflect my interests and passions and to do so in a manner that brings you readers into the mix and leaves you hopefully wanting more. I have no master plans for the second years posts but I can say expect a little bit of the same, a little silliness and perhaps even something to inspire. I don’t think too deeply on this and I suggest that you just sit back and enjoy the offerings. I’ve gotten our Facebook page up and running so please be sure to “Like” us over there or even Following us on Twitter. The links for these are below.

Closing up, thank you so very much for the time that you spend on this site. I truly appreciate it.

PiercingKen on Facebook
PiercingKen on Twitter Reaches Its Sixth Year Online :)


Hello there my readers and welcome to another posting on the blogsite. From time to time I’m going to be using this site to direct your attention over to something that is brewing with and today that website of mine has reached its sixth year online. My thoughts on reaching this media milestone can be viewed by clicking that number six right below. Doing so will transport you over to the PiercingMetal site and that narrative. See you back here sometime soon with more interesting stories and visuals.

I’ve disabled the comments in this posting since its mostly a traffic sign but you can leave them on the post over there. I’ve also added some of our Social Networking links for you to examine if you’d like. We welcome all participants.

PiercingMetal on Facebook
PiercingMetal on Twitter
PiercingMetal on Tumblr