Category Archives: PiercingKen Says

General Announcements and Editorial posts.

Reflecting On The Reasons Behind Memorial Day

It’s Memorial Day once again but as many people are wisely posting on their various social networking profiles, it is a day that is so much more than being about BBQ’s with your friends and family or getting some fast savings on appliances and other tangible crap. It’s a day that is one meant for honor and respectful thanks to those who lost their lives for our country in the service of the United States Armed Forces.

God Bless America

The photo below is of Private First Class Anthony Kosko who served in the U.S. Army back during World War II. He was the youngest of my Grandmother’s six brothers and sisters. All were first generation offspring of Russian Immigrants and were residents of Greenpoint Brooklyn. He was stationed in Anzio, Italy back in April 16th of 1945 and was killed in action by enemy forces. He was nineteen years old at the time according to the family passed down history. The war would end five months later and interestingly enough I learned that he originally lied about his age to be able to enlist.

PFC Anthony Kosko

Continue reading Reflecting On The Reasons Behind Memorial Day

Getting Our Convention On With Blog World & BEA 2012

Please excuse this break from the regularly scheduled programming, but I wanted to send you over to a new posting over on the PiercingMetal Musings Blog that speaks to a couple of the conventions that I am looking forward to attending. Click the logo below to be taken right over there in a hot second. Thanks for listening.

The events are in two weeks and readers can count on some type of coverage of them either here or on the PiercingMetal Blog as soon as time allows me to do so. We don’t want you to feel left out of the fun after all. What do you think about the matter? Should we relegate some of the convention adventures to this side of the creative fence? Chime in down below and let me know what you think.

Official Website:
Official Website:

PiercingKen Blog Breaks The Sophomore Curse (or Welcome To Year 2)

Hey there. I just wanted to take a quick commercial break from the regularly scheduled blogging to let you all know that the PiercingKen Blog has successfully hit the beginning of our second year. It’s exciting for me to say the least because I was still enjoying the feeling of accomplishment after recently celebrating seven years of as a website and having its own blog hit five years shortly after that. When one considers how rapidly blogs and websites come and go nowadays thanks to things like Facebook Pages it’s always nice to have clocked in with another year of creative output.

I’ll admit to the readers that I really love having the PiercingKen Blog because it lets me do absolutely anything that I feel like tossing into the mix. Sometimes I will talk about music or past experiences in the field and sometimes I will do something with a more culinary flair and show you how to properly assemble a Vietnamese chicken noodle soup. PiercingKen is my catch all, but at the same time is a real day to day life observance through my eyes and will bring to your attention anything that I see that I feel like writing about or sharing with you. Some readers love it and there are others who, well, I really don’t care if they like it or not. Those folks can spend their time surfing around for other stuff that suits their fancy.

I’ve been going through so many photo folders to see what we have for upcoming posts and believe me there is a healthy amount of “travelog” kind of stuff to share with you along with whatever else happens to amuse me at the time. I might even scan some older photographs of places that I shot years ago and would like to explore as a creative today. Who knows. Just stay tuned by subscribing to our RSS Feed or adding our Official Facebook Page or Twitter. Thanks for making the past two years a lot of fun, I love keeping you entertained.

PiercingKen & Social Networking: Instagram

If you have been paying attention to my PiercingMetal Musings Blog and its continuing run of narratives on the various Social Networking mediums, you probably thought that you clicked into one of them by mistake since I copied the title premise for use over here on the PiercingKen Blog. You’ll have to forgive me this little bit of Internet sleight of hand and know that I only did this to let you readers know that I am using the Photo Networking application called “Instagram”.

instagram, instagram logo, social media logos

I’m kind of excited because this application while used by so many iPhone users around me, has only been available to the Droid smartphone users for about two weeks. I installed it on my Droid “Incredible” but really need to get used to it before my upgrade time comes. I will be getting a new phone in a little over a month since my plan allows me to do that every two years. I’m leaning on the Droid RAZR Maxx and am NOT switching to an iPhone like many suggest that I do. Sorry. With that being the case, my Instagram account is “PiercingKen” just like this here blog but I don’t yet see a way to paste a direct URL link to my account so that interested parties may come and follow me. Hopefully the name will suffice and those who wish to keep up in that realm will have a little initiative and search me. My plan is to use this to showcase an image or two that will eventually be used in blogs and that lets those readers see them first. How exciting is that? I know right, it’s really super exciting. Well. At least to me so I do hope you will come along especially if you like what we are doing here on the side blog. It’s goal is always to entertain.

instagram, piercingken instagram

If you should want to enjoy the whole gamut of those Social Networking overviews and how I apply their use as a music journalist in today’s ever changing realm, just click HERE to bring up the list over on the PiercingMetal Musings Blog. Topical comments are always welcome on stuff like that especially if you are doing some similar adventuring.

UPDATE 8/13/2012: I discovered a way to find my Instagram and if you have any interest in what I am doing with that little side of the Internet you can easily click Follow from there. It seemed to work for me when I selected my friends account so have at it. I will try to keep you entertained and visually interested.

PiercingKen on Instagram = HERE Reaches Its Seventh Year Online :)


Hey there readers and welcome back to yet another post on “The Chronicles of Piercing Ken”, I am always glad to find you stopping by. So what is this particular narrative about you might be wondering, well, this is not so much a traditional post but is instead more of an announcement and traffic detour to my other website. I’m doing this today because has been online for seven years as of today and one has to ring the bell over the bar with a lucky seven right? It’s been a blast bringing all sort of Metal music happenings to those readers and since the realm is vastly different from that side of the creative mix, I am periodically going to announce what is being done on using the powers of – Don’t worry, my plan is to do the same thing over there for the benefit of this blog as it would only be fair. Anyway, please do click the wonderful seven slices of pizza photo below (that is from Nino’s Pizzeria right near our Creative Command HQ BTW) and you can see what is going on over there. Thanks as always for your interest and dedication to these creative musings. It’s a pleasure to serve you 🙂