The other day a tree that grew in Brooklyn disappeared into the ground in front of the eyes of patrons of a nearby dining spot on 92rd Street off Third Avenue in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. How did this happen you might ask? Well, it was a sink hole and according to reports it was almost 50 feet deep. Talk about scary. Luckily no one was near it when this happened and emergency crews from the Con Edison, DEP and Fire Department were all on hand to make sure this was attended to. I was not able to get a photo of the actual sink hole but I learned this after taking all these construction shots as I thought this was it. It’s still interesting to look at.
Continue reading The Sinkhole of Bay Ridge (6/29/2012)
Category Archives: New York Sights & Scenes
Stuff that we have found of interest in NYC and wanted to share with you all.
This Job Is A Definite Yikes!!!
It was a brutally hot day today but I went out walking just the same to get some exercise and see what I might see for my idea bank. When I reached Shore Road’s Promenade, I glanced up and saw some men working on the bridge and it was a job that clearly had me saying “Yikes” aloud for all to hear. As you can see in this photo, its a small crane of some kind and the workers are in a basket working below the span of the bridge. Sounds simple enough right?
Anyways, I tried to get a little closer with my zoom, but didn’t see the shot properly and only got “so much” closer. I apologize. The sun was beating down on me at the time and I could barely see the image on the little screen on my sidearm. Oh and that is what I call my Cybershot camera in case you were wondering. He is the perfect little travel companion.
So what makes me view this particular job as “Yikes”……well, I think that the next shot kind of illustrates where my thought process was coming from. Can you still see the little crane? You can’t? Alright well, if you look from the left of the image its about four sections over so look very, very carefully. That’s a pretty steep drop from where I am looking. Be careful guys.
As I close up this little piece, I have to admit that I love this bridge and think that perhaps I will come up with some other photos that feature it from some different angles. You’d like that right?
Lo, The Empire Is Just Ahead Of Us……Kinda :)
Do you watch “Boardwalk Empire”? The crime drama set way back in the early days of Atlantic City, NJ and currently airing on HBO? You do? I have to tell you that I only have seen one episode but thanks to some friends I will be occasionally getting the chance to indulge in this with their HBO on Demand. So the show stars Steve Buscemi who is a terrific actor and not long ago I was heading into Greenpoint Brooklyn for a Metal show with my buddy Mike of the Heavy Metal Mayhem program that I do the concert itinerary for. As we parked down off Franklin Street not far from Clay Street where the club was, Mike pointed out that the hit series was in fact filmed behind these gates in a sort of studio lot. I just had to try and get some visual of this so behold!
Yeah I realize this is a group of stacked high containers that we often see on ships but they concealed the treasure behind them and there is a decent sized Boardwalk and City scape as well. Imagine that.
I was sad that I did not have much of a photographic leeway to enjoy, but snapped a couple of shots of the box configurations for good measure. The gates were closed but if they were not I would have wandered aimlessly in pretending to be lost. when I am on a photo mission, I will go to great lengths to get my way.
If you train your eye carefully you can see some scenery that is set up between the cars. This was the best I could get and the closest. Maybe another time I get down there I look around at some other angles of see if I can find someone who will let me look for a couple of minutes. I got a crisp new dollar bill for the person that lets me. Yep. A brand spanking new crisp $1 bill. Surely someone is going to want to take advantage of that. Right?
While I realize that this was not exactly a visual treat you have to understand that sometimes that happens. Generally its just my chance to put you where I was at a particular time and getting to see life through my eyes. I love sharing what I observe with the readers and hence this blog. Next time I will aim for a little more awesome factor okay? I promise.
The Space Shuttle “Enterprise” Sails Through NYC’s Harbor (6/3/2012)
It was a lovely Sunday afternoon as you can see in the photo below, and luckily I had been listening to the news broadcast when they reminded residents of Brooklyn that the Space Shuttle Enterprise was going to be making its way up the Narrows to the Hudson River and heading for its final destination on the U.S.S. Intrepid. For some reason I was confused about the date but since time was still on my side, I rushed down to the Shore Road Promenade and secured a decent vantage point to snap photos as the shuttle passed by our region.
Continue reading The Space Shuttle “Enterprise” Sails Through NYC’s Harbor (6/3/2012)
The Bay Ridge Memorial Day Parade (5/28/2012)
It was just Memorial Day here in the United States and while it’s a great day to have off from work and enjoy some BBQ with your friends and family, it is most importantly a day that comes to us thanks to the selfless sacrifice of our enlisted men and women who were killed in action. We must never forget this. The Piercing Ken inner sanctum is located somewhere within beautiful Bay Ridge Brooklyn and yesterday we had our annual Memorial Day Parade which ran down a section of Third Avenue. It actually was not much more than ten or twelve blocks in length based on all the parade routes being shortened a few years ago by the Mayor. I got there nice and early and shot a whole lot of photos that will hopefully make you feel as if you were standing on the corner with me as it went by. I also decided to limit the actual text and leave this as a primarily visual presentation. Please by all means enjoy what we are putting out there for you and next time we hope you manage to drop by.
Continue reading The Bay Ridge Memorial Day Parade (5/28/2012)