Category Archives: Arts and Culture

Posts that involve the Arts. These could be coverage of the art shows we attend or even a visual of something out in the public eye.

The David Bowie Mural Reminds Us Of Loss On The LES

The great David Bowie has been gone for a couple of weeks now and in addition to the throngs of fans showing up at his former place of residence not too far from where I snapped these photos, the proprietors of The Graffiti Room (a Ramen Shop on the corner of Kenmare Street and Mott Street) have lent their wall to this stunning mural. I took a wander over to the murals location since I was heading into the city for a Metal concert. After seeing it on a friends Instagram I knew I had to have my own photograph of the work.

david bowie, david bowie mural, nyc murals

The location is a short walk from the N, R, D, F, and 6 trains so do be sure to see it with your own eyes before it should go away. As nice as it is, nothing in NYC remains forever these days. While I was there I ended up taking some photos of passerby who wanted to be in their own shot but they had no selfie stick to get a proper full view. I didn’t mind and then when one asked if they could do one for me. I felt “why not” but as you can see I was not in the mood for smiling since the musical void that Bowie left behind was still resonating in my mind. This one hurt and our new year was not off to a good start with the loss of such a talent. Anyway, do make sure you see this mural in person while you can and should you like to see some of the visuals that I captured in front of his former residence you can click on THIS LINK.

david bowie, david bowie mural, nyc murals

Thanks again Mr. Bowie for all of your musical inspiration and creativity. I doubt we shall find as prolific a sort in music any time soon. Those interested in learning more about his storied life and career are directed to his Wikipedia entry which is linked below.

Official Website:
Official Wiki:

Exhibition of Printing & Publishing In Ancient China @ Javits Center

Yesterday I posted an item on contemporary Chinese art which was being shown in connection with the Book Expo America event over at the Javits Center. This year, China was the country of focus and this display was in the main hall and open to the general public along with one that showcased the techniques of printing and publishing in Ancient China. I’m rushing to get these two posts to your radar because they close quite soon (I think today and tomorrow are the remaining days) because while the larger BEA event is industry only, this part is come one, come all. Hopefully many of you readers can get over to the Javits Center and see this. There’s not much narrative discussion here and instead just images displaying on your favorite devices. Enjoy.

ancient chinese printing exhibition

ancient chinese printing exhibition
Continue reading Exhibition of Printing & Publishing In Ancient China @ Javits Center

“The Revival Of Tradition” Contemporary Chinese Art @ Javits Center (5/27/2016)

Earlier today I attended the Book Expo America convention that was being held at the Javits Center and since the country of focus for this year was China, they had two special displays set up in the lobby of the convention hall. These were accessible to the general public because the larger BEA event is not. This first one was called “The Revival Of Tradition: Another Approach To Contemporary Chinese Art”. Since I had some time I wandered into the aisles and snapped photos for you all to enjoy. I won’t be saying much on this post and do have the names of the people behind what you will see coming up at the close of this narrative. Enjoy these beautiful works.

revival of tradition, contemporary chinese art

revival of tradition, contemporary chinese art
Continue reading “The Revival Of Tradition” Contemporary Chinese Art @ Javits Center (5/27/2016)

PiercingKen Goes On The Big Egg Hunt: Chapter Four

As I’ve said three times already, during the weeks leading up to Easter, the folks at Faberge set up a “Big Egg Hunt” all around the city and these works of art were not only fantastic to look at, but thanks to a downloadable app and a QR code, the folks in our fair Metropolis could scan the egg upon discovery and mark it as collected in their account. If they were the first to find an egg there would be prizes as well and that is pretty cool right? The exhibit ran all around the city from April 1st – 17th.


On April 18th, all of the eggs were gathered up and set up as a massive outdoor display in Rockefeller Center and since I was not able to hunt down any of the eggs in their original location figured that it would make a fun blog post for you to enjoy here on the Piercing Ken site. The way I did this was to shoot a photograph of each egg, and I apologize for not getting their names or the designer. This is the fourth and final chapter of my series that focused on this exhibit. Enjoy.

Continue reading PiercingKen Goes On The Big Egg Hunt: Chapter Four

PiercingKen Goes On The Big Egg Hunt: Chapter Three

In the weeks leading up to Easter, the folks at Faberge set up a “Big Egg Hunt” all around the city and these works of art were not only fantastic to look at, but thanks to a downloadable app and a QR code, the folks in our fair Metropolis could scan the egg upon discovery and mark it as collected in their account. If they were the first to find an egg there would be prizes as well and that is pretty cool right? The exhibit ran all around the city beginning April 1st – 17th.


On April 18th, all of the eggs were gathered up and set up as a massive outdoor display in Rockefeller Center and since I was not able to hunt down any of the eggs in their original location figured that it would make a fun blog post for you to enjoy here on the Piercing Ken site. The way I did this was to shoot a photograph of each egg, and I apologize for not getting their names or the designer. This is the third chapter in my short series that focuses on this exhibit. Enjoy.

Continue reading PiercingKen Goes On The Big Egg Hunt: Chapter Three