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BroadwayCon 2022 Marketplace Video Interviews (Part Two)

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As previously mentioned, The Chronicles of Piercing Ken have been attending the BroadwayCon for a few years and as a fan of Broadway think that this event is a whole lot of fun. This year I took a page out of the PiercingMetal playbook and did a number of video interviews for the Official YouTube Channel that was finally launched for this website. While resident on that network, I’ve compiled a batch of them for website content purposes. Please enjoy the second installment.

Chatting with Hanna of Hantone

Chatting with Danny Abosch & John Maclay of “Goosebumps: The Musical”

Chatting w Kevin Tuerff, Author of “Channel Of Peace: Stranded in Gander on 9/11”

Chatting with Monica Yap of Pinbill

That’s going to bring me to the end of this chapter in the compiled video interviews from the Marketpace at BroadwayCon 2022. Now don’t be sad about that as I still have a few more to share with you in the third and final installment which will go live in the coming days. While you wait, I encourage your participation on our social media accounts so you are with us for all of the fun. In addition to YouTube, we are using a dedicated Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with a TikTok under the Ken Pierce Media branding for good measure. See you next time and thanks for watching the clips.


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