All posts by Piercing Ken

I'm a Freelance Music Photojournalist from NYC and Founder of the Heavy Metal website; I created this blog site to showcase the other things in life that keep my interest or catch my attention. Believe me that is a lot of stuff to talk about when it comes down to it. I hope you enjoy what we are delivering because there is so much to share as a resident of this bustling metropolis.

Behold The Bane Of My Journalistic Adventuring: “R” Train Travel

There is never a doubt in my mind that I get to endeavor upon a number of interesting things in pursuing my passion as music photographer and journalist but after the evening is all said and done and the goodbye’s have been said, it’s time to make the dreaded trek out to my neck of the woods in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.  A lovely region that is most generally accessible by the “R” train line.  This local train is reliable during the daytime but when the later evening hours happen upon us the story is an entirely different one.   While only a good 45 minutes at best out of the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple, depending on the hour you are heading back to base, it can take upwards of two hours.  This happened to me the other night and since the camera was being examined in its bag I decided to use the snappy Sony to snag an image of this cruel reminder of the state of affairs I was in tonight.   Yes, the train runs here but “except” for late nights.

The journey involves getting whatever you can get to DeKalb Avenue where you will then need to switch for a now running local “N” Train.  The “N” is not too bad a ride when it is running on time but there have been instances where I was waiting at DeKalb avenue for over thirty minutes.  When that happens it downright sucks.  You’ll then get off this “N” at 59th Street which lets you change for the hopefully arriving soon “R” train, but let me tell you that it very seldom is a timely thing once you get there.  It’s almost like a black hole for time in the mind of the NYC commuter.   The “R” train now runs as a shuttle train and goes from 95th Street to 36th and back.  It does this to be able to switch sides but it really would be better if it just went from 95th to 59th and back but it does not always do that.

The MTA's Version of Purgatory

You might think my labeling 59th Street as Purgatory as a little unfair but your attitude will change if you ever find yourself waiting for more than forty five minutes to go a mere four stops (or even less as some people need to do).  I tell you if I didn’t have more than a two mile walk and it being the dead of the night that I would walk the distance and never worry about it.  Alas I do not have that luxury and must wait it out.  Sigh.

The Lonliness Of The Long Distance Commuter

While there are usually other travelers stranded with you, there are going to be some rare occasions where the train is as empty as you see in the photo above.  This particular shot for example was one of those nights but I admit even this is a rare thing to find happening.   I usually emerge from the car like a zombie hitting the streets with several other folks who look at hungry for sleep as I do.    Depending on how tired I am at this time, the glowing beacon that is the never closing Dunkin Donuts just across the street sometimes draws me in for a late, late coffee.

At Last!!!!

It’s seldom that I will actually stick around the Dunkin spot with said coffee, unless there are guests joining me who needed the couch for the evening.  Usually its just back to the site headquarters for some now much needed shut eye.  Hopefully a few hours sleep will find me ready to Rock & Roll again once more.

Advance “Yays” For The Pending Bowery Diner

I was coming home from a relatively fun afternoon with the singer of the band Naked who hail from Finland and once “Muff” had and I had parted company to continue along in our own adventures I happened past this big board of a wall sign.  It was proudly announcing the “Coming Soon” of the Bowery Diner.  Obviously it’s going to be a conventional diner but I like the idea of having someplace new to eat before or after shows at places like The Bowery Ballroom and its nearby Bowery Electric or Poetry Club.

Coming Soon: Food!!!!!!

This is the best shot of the sign that I could get based on my distance from it and need to get back to PiercingMetal HQ, but it did manage to excite me just a little.  I love new places and while this furthers the upgrading of the Bowery region, it has indeed changed a lot since the closure of the legendary C.B.G.B.’s so why not just embrace some of the more interesting things that the area offers up at this time.  All I know is that they better make a damn good burger as I will be Yelping about them for sure if they don’t.

PiercingKen’s Adventures At Book Expo America 2011

Readers of my music journalist adventures and narratives who are keeping tabs of what I do over on and its companion Blog are probably already fully aware of my recent outing to the Blogworld & New Media Expo 2011 which was held at the Javits Center on Manhattan’s West Side this past week.  I attended said convention for the exhibition floor only in order to see what I might learn as a person whose brand is firmly entrenched in the world wide web and its Blogosphere.  The Javits Center as an event space was no longer new to me as a media scribe for I had been on point to cover 2010’s NY Comic Con and Anime Festival as well as the absolutely incredible Toy Fair 2011.

bea 2011, book expo america 2011

Continue reading PiercingKen’s Adventures At Book Expo America 2011

PiercingKen & Skeleton Pete Go To Blogworld & New Media Expo 2011

Readers already know that we have hit a few conventions for the sake of blogging and featured them here if the adventure was deemed suitable for this medium as opposed to my main website;  Sometimes the wanderings and viewpoints cross-pollinate across both blogs and such is the case with the Blogworld and New Media Expo that was recently held at NYC’s Javits Center.  My colleague Skeleton Pete and I decided to go to this event and wander the exhibition hall to see what it offered up.  Since we are both bloggers and photographers, the thought was that we might be able to take some solid information back to our respective readerships while at the same time learning some tricks of this wild west of a trade.  As PiercingMetal’s official blog is my true “main blog”, I felt that the ideas formulated were best served up in that space, but I decided to use the PiercingKen blog as a bit of a traffic sign.  Please click the logo below to be taken to that story and the images that were captured.

Please note that comments are disabled under this posting but readers with topical views can easily leave them under the main post that this page leads to. Thanks.

PiercingKen Attended The Big Apple Comic Con 2011

You might recall my mentioning about how I had attended the NY Comic Con back in October on behalf of my Metal & Hard Rock entertainment site  If you don’t – well now you know.  I did this because the music medium and the comic book one are two things that work together as well as peanuts in M&M’s and like that other adventure, this particular one is being served up on my Official Blog for which we affectionately call “PiercingMetal Musings”.  With the last convention I decided to let this side blog offer you a chance to see it by clicking the logo and since that worked out rather well I am doing so again.  The logo below shall take you to the main page of the article and it shall show you the chapters.  It was a fun time but vastly different from that of the gigantic NY Comic Con.

Please note that comments are disabled under this posting as its more of a traffic sign than an actual posting.  Feel free to leave any thoughts or impressions on the individual chapters as you see fit.  We always love to hear them.