Though I’ve mentioned this before to the readers of the Piercing Ken blog, there’s a whole lot more of you hitting these posts of late so some might not know that my neighborhood of Bay Ridge Brooklyn was originally a very strong Norwegian based area. That said, we hold an annual parade for Norwegian Constitution Day which is on May 17th and this year it was able to be held on the actual day so a little more special in the hearts of all Norwegian residents and those who came to visit the neighborhood once again. I headed out to the parade and snapped a whole bunch of photos that will bring you into the moment with me. Its a mostly visual presentation but I might chime in here and there.
Just a quick post to let our readers of the site know that I was once again attending Toy Fair as a member of the accredited press and would be covering the event over on This will be my fifth year attending and I would be joined by Skeleton Pete for this adventure as well. This year the plan on delivery of the coverage will be a bit different and instead of lumping all of the events and sights together in one weeks time over a select handful of postings, I will instead be adding posts for the next several weeks and perhaps months for your larger enjoyment. The rationale behind this is based on the fact that so many of the items seen in said visuals will not be out for months.
Click Photo For PiercingMetal’s Toy Fair 2015 Coverage
Thanks for listening, please stay tuned for more PiercingKen observations as they come to me. With now in its new fashion, this blog will be used more often to spotlight some of the stuff that we want to be sure that you see. Just an FYI that comments have been disabled for this post and can instead be left on the various topics that are applicable over on
Hey there readers. I just wanted to let you know that the adventures that I undertook at the 2014 NY Comic Con have begun being posted over on my site. Since there are readers of the Piercing Ken blog that might enjoy that kind of stuff I like using this space as the occasional traffic sign. Just click the logo below to be transported to the other website and by all means enjoy. I think that there will end up being about ten individual chapters when it all comes down to it. It all depends on how many photos I take each day and how they are spaced out across chapters.
I’ve disabled the means to comment on this announcement post but encourage those with interest in adding thoughts to please do so on the posts that reside on – Thanks a lot. See you next time.
My family retired and relocated down South to Myrtle Beach, SC not too long ago and I was finally able to visit the new home and do some exploration of the area. All of the places that I got to see were perfect items for this lifestyle blog so here are some visuals from the St. John The Baptist Greek Orthodox Church that I got to see when we attended a Greek Fair being held on its property. There was music and food of the Greek nature and since one of the attendants to the church was talking to us I was able to walk around and snap plenty of photographs.