According to the image below, it was at 5:18PM on May 29th 1965 in Elmhurst, Queens NY at St. John’s Hospital when I made my first appearance. Now while I have been told very often about my memory being astounding and detailed about the most minute of things, there is not much that I can tell you about that particular day itself. Suffice it to say, I was here and very likely quite happy about that.
What I can tell you is that the road to this milestone of “The Big Five Oh” has been both an interesting one and for the most part a very fun one and that is the reason that I am posting this new narrative here on the personal blog site as opposed to only letting it live on Facebook and being confined to my immediate circle of friends and colleagues. To those who know me personally, this is no surprise since I have found quite a bit of fault in Facebook as being peoples only means of doing their daily agenda items but I don’t quite hate on it as much when I see several hundred wall posts from people wishing me a “Happy Birthday”. There were a few advance wishes and a batch of day plus afters but it was still nice to see them chiming in. Right now I am in the middle of thanking everyone who made that a point of their Facebook time with the idea if they could take a moment then so can I. If you did that and are still waiting don’t worry its coming. Imagine writing that many thank you cards…
The photo you see above was taken right after some coffee at our nearby Duane Reade since they had the necessary candle prop I wanted and since I was in a KISS shirt at the time. I had to make sure that I did something for my actual birthday which it was at the time. Closing up I will add another few bunches of thanks and those go to my ever awesome parents, my dear friends who span the close by regions, the faraway ones and the net and to any of you who find some enjoyment in my creative mediums on PiercingMetal and right here with PiercingKen. You all have helped make these past 18,250 days pretty darn cool. Now its onto the next chapter and if you want some “old guy wisdom” based on the whole thought about experience coming with age I just say “live your life to the best of your ability and care for the important ones around you”. It’s not always easy but worth a try. I do what I can when possible and there you go. Ciao.
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