According to the calendar it would seem that this little side project of mine has achieved its fourth year of online time and I can honestly say that it has been fantastic (hence my use of the classic Fantastic Four numeric below). I felt that it was perfect for the occasion don’t you agree? So here we are at this Internet milestone and welcome to the beginning of the march towards year five. It’s been an interesting ride so far that is for sure.
Now for those who are very new to the domain, let me educate you a little and say that this is my “everything else” site and I came up with that description based on it being everything that would not properly fit on the blog for – This often leads me to the question as to why I don’t just post these thoughts and images on my Facebook Page or on its own Official Facebook Page and the answer is simply because that would limit the flow of creativity from reaching more and more people that are not my “friends” or even following me via that profile. Life is far bigger than Facebook my friends and its time to let your creative energies flow wider and wider on as many guide posts as possible. Granted its nice to have it in your corner but don’t let any of these things become the only place for your ideas.
Sorry for the soap boxing there but I just want more of my creative friends to choose this path for their ideas because what they do is absolutely wonderful and worth seeing/learning about. Now what can you expect during this coming year. Well one of the things I want to do is offer up more touristy visuals from adventures around the city or wherever I end up and decide to snap images of. That stuff is fun and kind of gives our out of country friends more desire to visit these parts. I think its also great to share museum adventures and art installations that I chance upon here or surprise musical stuff that’s not Metal at all. Remember that the goal behind this site was a less constricted, less restricting world and what I put up here is pretty much kept to whatever crosses my mind at any given time. Perhaps as we head onward I will ask a couple of talented people to join the mix and see what they think and want to share with you. That is what is coming and a whole lot more of it so I hope this answered the question 🙂 Thanks again for reading. We love having you hear. Closing up I just want to “Thank You” for the support/interest/curiosity as to where this is all heading with cake. I recently discovered these and they are AWESOME. They really are 🙂
See you all soon with more interesting observations and visual stimulation that will hopefully inspire and entertain you.
Awesome man, congratulations.