Greetings my friends and welcome to a special post with a dual purpose. I am not only here to wish you and yours a very “Happy Thanksgiving” but also to tell you that PIX11 has recently announced that a mini-marathon of eight episodes of “The Honeymooners” will be broadcast between showings of the holiday classic “March of The Wooden Soldiers” on Thanksgiving Day. That’s the timeless Laurel and Hardy film if you for some odd reason have never heard of it. Now the readers of this website know that for the last few years I’ve been posting a rundown of “The Honeymooners” marathon that begins after the evening news on PIX11 on New Year’s Eve and runs for a number of hours into New Year’s Day pausing only for local news. This however will be the very first time that I preceded that post with one about the Thanksgiving mini-marathon and truth be told I don’t recall there having been one before. I could be wrong about that so please don’t chastise me. These eight episodes are surely a tease for the longer marathon to come for New Year’s Day and as I glance on the ones airing can confirm to having seen them numerous times over the years. I’m still going to watch them since it is something that always hits the funny bone. These episodes come from that is called the “Classic 39”. Since it starts at 11:00AM, those who are in charge of the cooking might want to get the small portable TV’s that many used to have for such events. Here’s the rundown of episodes.
Thursday, November 28th
11:00AM – A Woman’s Work Is Never Done
11:30AM – Better Living Through TV
12:00PM – The Man from Space
12:30PM – Ralph Kramden, Inc.
1:00PM – A Dog’s Life
1:30PM – Young At Heart
2:00PM – The Bensonhurst Bomber
2:30PM – ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas
*** end of rundown ***
Piercing Ken Thoughts: Having already said that I’ve seen these and pretty much all of the other episodes of “The Honeymooners” and citing that I will surely be tuning in to this mini-marathon on Thanksgiving, I have to approach this a little bit differently. This year my plans are going to involve a lot of running around so I am going to program these episodes on the DVR so I can sit and relax post holiday celebration to make sure I can just relax and laugh out loud to their classic antics. It’s amazing to me how timeless this series is and while I will be returning to this topic for their New Year’s Eve/New Year’s Day longer marathon I won’t say much more. Are you one of the readership that also enjoys this classic television show? Will you be watching on Thanksgiving or recording it like I will be doing? Are any of your favorite episodes being aired? Chime in down below and let me say one more thing. I hope that you will be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday with those most important to your life. Also try to be a little more patient with others and reflect on all the good things in your life. We all have our ups and downs but if we stick together the day is better. I am appreciative and thankful for all of you who decide to spend a little time here on the website or our social media profiles. Chime in down below if you’d care to add to the mix and I will see you next time.
Official Website:
Official Series Wiki: