Well here I am once more and ready to serve up what will be my final chapter of my observations from The Toy Insider’s “Holiday Of Play” for 2017. As this is the fourth chapter you new visitors to our page will want to click HERE first to enjoy the preceding chapters. There is a little of everything in this closing installment so let’s get on down to business.
Here are some fun-filled games to enjoy.
The 3Doodler was very fascinating to me but I didn’t manage to get a demonstration since I was otherwise occupied.
Great construction sets from Vex Robotics, makers of Hexbug.
As you’ve likely seen in our coverage from the Toy Fair, the folks at Crayola have been dishing out some amazing products.
If you are feeling crafty, this is a cute offering known as “Sweetlings. This is something for parents and kids to do together and while they might look delicious you DO NOT eat them.
And now for some thanks as this event wouldn’t even be possible without the efforts of the team which is led by Laurie Schacht (left) and Marisa DiBartolo. Thanks ladies.
Here’s Team Members Steph and Jackie showing off some cool products.
While I will showcase the goodies we got at this event in a post of its own, I wanted to show you all the super cool holiday ornament. It’s in my favorite hue of blue.
These bags were what attendees were able to put any samples and literature that they obtained at the event inside. We also get sent home with a wonderful collection of items and these bags are great for your shopping times at the market to help save the environment.
Whew. I sure could use a drink right about now and this hit the spot for sure. It’s a non-alcoholic drink of course (oh alright its a Vodka and Cranberry juice).
So that brings me to the end of this adventure. I’d like to thank the fine folks at the Toy Insider for extending an invitation to me and our home on the web here at “The Chronicles”. I look forward to seeing you all again at other events soon. I hope you readers enjoyed these posts and take some time to click through to the website links I’ve assembled for you below. For additional viewpoints, images and updates from the field as we experience them, please follow “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” on the popular social networks of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We’d love to have you along for the ride. Until next time.
Official Websites:
The Toy Insider: http://www.thetoyinsider.com
3Doodler: http://the3doodler.com/
Alex Toys: https://www.alexbrands.com/
Crayola: http://www.crayola.com
Hexbug: http://www.hexbug.com
K’Nex: http://www.knex.com
Playstation: http://www.playstation.com