As previously announced here on the Chronicles, I had attended the always amazing Toy Fair for my website. This year I wanted to expand upon the findings at the event by using this blog to feature the stuff that just didn’t fit over there. I’ll begin with two company’s that I love and showcase some Colorforms and Folkmanis Puppets visuals.
When I was growing up, there was always something cool coming out from Colorforms and that tradition seems to be continuing into 2015 as you can see with these fun packs. Two popular licenses such as Spider-Man and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are sure to appeal to those fans of the characters and this toy.
Below are a few of the Colorforms “classic” playsets of the past. All were Marvel Comics properties as you can see. Did you know that even the mighty KISS had a Colorforms set? They did and I had it but of course it was lost to the sands of time. Maybe I can find one of them on eBay if I look hard enough. It was pretty cool to my recollection but I digress.
The next few images are from the new “Take-A-Long” collections and these are exactly what you want to bring along on those road trips or family gatherings. Small enough to store in a backpack and containing plenty of character stickers and scenes to place them around. Since every kid seems to have a smartphone nowadays, perhaps some interesting Instagram and Snapchats will take place.
That’s it for the Colorforms stuff. Next year I will try to offer up more if I do a post here on the Chronicles. Now its onto Folkmanis.
I love the Folkmanis Puppets and really wish I could own a few of them but space is just not there for me. They are wonderfully designed and so much fun. Take a look at some of the newest offerings below.

That was some pretty cool stuff if I do say so myself and I think that I like presenting some of my Toy Fair findings on this site now that I have 100% pulled the trigger on doing so. Let’s meet back here in a couple of days and get another post with another fine company that I think you will enjoy learning about. See you then.
Official Websites:
Folkmanis Puppets:
Toy Fair: