Tag Archives: feral cats

The Sad Saga Of The Beach Cat

I’m continuing along in my usage of some long unused photos that I snared while being in Atlantic City, NJ. These particular ones were shot in November of 2010 and it was a rather gloomy, doomish kind of afternoon but still I decided to wander on the Boardwalk a little bit. After a few minutes of walking I glanced down to the sand and noticed a stray cat sitting there pondering like he ran the place. Here are my visuals of The Beach Cat.

boardwalk cats project, atlantic city nj

I realize that I might be misleading with my title of course, but as a cat lover, I felt that perhaps he was just a little bit sad if nothing else. He was observing the goings on and the passer by on the Boardwalk and I kept some distance since I didn’t want to spook him in the event he was hunting for a mouse or something.

boardwalk cats project, atlantic city nj

I liked the perspective that I got from this next one. He was far enough away from the water to not get wet, but the air was very damp today and a storm was heading in our direction.

boardwalk cats project, atlantic city nj

boardwalk cats project, atlantic city nj

This is pretty much the same shot as a couple above, but with a slightly different perspective so I could get more of the tide as it rolled closer and closer up toward the shore. Our new friend would scurry away after a few minutes. As a cat owner I hoped that he was heading for some food and some kind of shelter.

boardwalk cats project, atlantic city nj

About a month after I took the photos above I saw this sign which made me feel a little more comfortable about the stray cat that I saw. Apparently their is a program in place to take care of the various cats that wander on and around the Boardwalk.

boardwalk cats project, atlantic city nj

Remember if you ever think about getting a cat for your home that you should try and have it be a rescue. There are so many of them out there and they all need good places to live out their lives. That’s all I have for now. See you again soon.

Do More Here: http://www.alleycat.org/