Tag Archives: christmas 2017

Wishing A “Merry Christmas” 2017 To All :)

Hello there my friends in the online land and of course the real world ones that are checking into the doings here on “The Chronicles”. I’d like to take a moment and wish you all a very “Merry Christmas” if this is your holiday.  It’s one of my very favorite times of the year and as you can see Miss Spooke also feels the same way and is acting as Santa’s Little Helper once again.  Generally speaking she is NOT a big fan of hats since she must hear everything that goes on around her.  She is a cat after all.

The hat also came with this cute little Santa suit but it was a little too tricky to get her into so she opted for using it as a bit of a blanket while she waited for her nightly treats.  We took this shot about a week or so ago.  I am appreciative of her patience since its not always easy to indulge us weird humans when you are a pet.  Well, at least I think that this is what they are thinking when they look at us and our dealings with silly but super cute costumes.  I’m sorry I lost track of myself for a moment so where were we….oh yes, MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE.

We really hope that you are having or planning to have an excellent holiday today.  A lot of friends started their fun last night with Christmas Eve and to many they go all out for that one too.  Last night I kept it local and simple with some Chinese take out from one of my favorite places and with the Tuesday matinee performance by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra on my plate I’ll likely be making a few small things and having an easy day with a quick visit here and there for good measure.  I’m at Christmas Mass at the moment and this was queued to go online nice and early to start the day off properly with our wish.  Be sure to call the relatives that you can easily reach and use those unlimited texts to let friends know that they are on your mind.  Be good to your beloved pets of course and just try to be an even better person than you were yesterday.  Everyone can use a little personal improvement IMHO.  Enjoy the holiday.