Tag Archives: 3jp

Getting “Pie-eyed” For Australia Day 2017 @ 3JP

Last Sunday, this year’s “Australia Day” was being celebrated a couple of days later at the Three Jolly Pigeons bar in my own Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and I was very much looking forward to the festivities because I wanted to get completely “pie-eyed”. Oh I’m not referring to drinking a single drop of alcohol mind you, because when I said “pie-eyed” it was to enjoy the culinary treats that His Royal Pieness had cooked up and was serving until the supplies ran out. I used my mobile for the images from the time spent, so please enjoy.

australia day 2017, his royal pieness, three jolly pigeons

australia day 2017, his royal pieness, three jolly pigeons

This year His Royal Pieness had cool shirts with an awesome dinosaur on them oh and before you ask, HRP is actually named Callum Sigg and you will meet him later on in the presentation.

australia day 2017, his royal pieness, three jolly pigeons
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