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Presenting PiercingKen’s “Best 9” Instagram Photos For 2016

Hello my fellow photo hounds and those who just like looking at images around the web on the social networks.  The other day I discovered what the “Best 9” photos were for the Instagram for my site and as some of our readers might already know, this profile has been in play for a few months longer than the “METAL” one but is more broad in its presentation. The overall tally of the Official PiercingKen Instagram at the time of my posting this narrative is that it has 966 photos uploaded and a profile that is followed by 501 users. According to the “Best 9” website this account has had 3,374 likes on 206 photos. I think that’s pretty cool and am glad that I make some people smile with the profile. I hope to use it a lot more in 2017 based on what I see around me. Now, thanks to the fun website link which you will find at the end of this narrative, I was able to learn what my “9” most popular posted images were in 2016 and I wanted to share that with you below. Here is the graphic of those nine images.

instagram, piercingken on instagram, best 9 of 2016, piercingken photos

The selections this year surprised me in a sense because there weren’t any of my food photos so I guess my followers are all on some sort of diet this year.  I was happy to see my beloved feline girl Spooke because she is so important to my personal world.  We lost her mother Shadow back in November of 2015 and she is still missed very much.  This profile’s “Best 9” was heavy on the tourism aspect of the blog since many images are from my own Big Apple New York City and from Myrtle Beach South Carolina where I have family.  I was surprised to see no museum stuff in the Best 9 but then again I am not sure that I shared that many images from that stuff on our Instagram as much as I would have done on the actual website here.  As with my PiercingMetal Instagram account, all of the items you see here are 100% original content and I’d have it no other way. The link way down below will bring you to our official account and I hope you choose to give it a follow and start perusing the images that have come before. Your click will help decide the ones that win this sort of thing when we get to the end of 2017. I hope you enjoy it and know that I always appreciate the support. I’m looking to making this a productive year on PiercingKen and all its socials. Let’s do this together.

Statistically Speaking: A few months ago, Instagram allowed the accounts that were representing a brand outlet or media figure, the means to turn it into a business account. The upside of this was seeing the demographic input and reach of the images and here is our breakdown. Of the current 500 followers the account has, it seems that 58% are women and 42% are male. The largest age range is between 25-34 with the second 35-44. Most of the account traffic came from NYC which doesn’t surprise me at all. The more photos you like the more interesting these statistics become so keep up the good support.

Get Your Best Nine HERE and if you’d like to see what PiercingMetal’s “Best 9” Instagrams were you can click THIS LINK.

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