Tag Archives: bay ridge

Sights From Brooklyn’s 149th Kings County Memorial Day Parade

Today is Memorial Day 2016 and just a short time ago my neighborhood of Bay Ridge was once again host to the King’s County Memorial Day Parade. This would be the 149th edition of this parade and it was initially kind of scary in terms if the weather above us. It rained a few hours ago but reports were that it would clear up around the time of the parade and lo and behold it did. Now it was time to honor those who’s service and sacrifice have helped keep this country safe and free. Once again this was to be an early starting parade, at 11am to be precise and would be led off by the Rolling Thunder motorcycle club. I grabbed my usual spot on the corner of 92nd Street and Third Avenue and snapped away for your own enjoyment for those who could not be here with us today based on no longer being in the neighborhood or with other commitments. As I’ve done in the past I will start off with the video of the Rolling Thunder and then get right into a whole lot of photographs. Please sit back, enjoy a coffee or something else to relax you and enjoy our presentation.

bay ridge parades, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade 2016, memorial day parades 2016

bay ridge parades, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade, brooklyn kings county memorial day parade 2016, memorial day parades 2016
Continue reading Sights From Brooklyn’s 149th Kings County Memorial Day Parade

Presenting PiercingKen’s “Best 9” Instagrams For 2015

instagram, instagram logo, social media logos

I’d been using Instagram as a personal account for my PiercingKen.com site for a few months before I decided to have one for the Metal website and it’s really a lot of fun for me since its an immediate glimpse into what I am seeing at the very second for the most part. Now while there are less than the PM.com one, the full tally is about 761 photos. Thanks to the fun website link which you will find at the end of this narrative, I was able to learn what my “9” most popular posted images were in 2015 and I wanted to share that with you below. Here is the graphic of those nine images.

instagram, piercingken on instagram,

The selections made me smile as it featured my beloved felines along with my home stomping grounds of Brooklyn and a few food related things. All of them a part of my personal world much like this blog itself. As with my PiercingMetal Instagram account, all of the items you see here are 100% original content and I’d have it no other way. If you click this image above you will be brought to our official account and I hope you choose to give it a follow and start perusing the images that have come before. Your click will help decide the ones that win this sort of thing when we get to the end of this year in another 362 days. I hope you enjoy it and know that I always appreciate the support. I’m looking to making this a productive year on PiercingKen and all its socials. Let’s do this together.

Get Your Best Nine HERE.

PS: See PiercingMetal’s “Best 9” Instagrams via THIS LINK.

Happy 50th To The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (1964-2014)

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge that spans from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn over to Staten Island across the Narrows tidal strait. As an almost lifelong resident of Bay Ridge and being in a close enough proximity to where the bridge actually is, I regularly find myself down on the Shore Promenade walking around with my camera snagging visuals for all of my readers to enjoy. What I did with this particular post for the anniversary was to cull together a whole lot of shots from different points in time and from different angles for your maximum pleasure. I’ll make note when I can but for the most part its more fun to let your imagination run with you.

verrazano bridge, verrazano bridge photos, brooklyn sights

verrazano bridge, verrazano bridge photos, brooklyn sights
Continue reading Happy 50th To The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (1964-2014)

Beware The Gloom Of The Fog Filled Night…..

We had a gloomy fog filled night tonight and I just had to wander about a little bit to give you folks from outside the region a little glimpse. It was pretty eerie out there but also rather cool. I was armed with only the Panasonic Lumix and an eye ready for any foreboding figures that I might encounter.


I wandered down the nearby avenues to see what it was like and it was pretty weird to find such an empty street since it was not yet too late in the evening.

Continue reading Beware The Gloom Of The Fog Filled Night…..

NYC Had A Snow Day Today (1/3/2014)

New York City got hit with a little bit of a snowstorm the other day and instead of sitting inside I downed a couple of cups of coffee and headed out into the day after mix to snag some photos of my immediate area. With so many friends in the warmer climates, I figured they would enjoy seeing this kind of stuff. Let’s start the adventure with the street right outside of my creative command center.


It was interesting to see Third Avenue so desolate but it was quiet so almost a welcome experience. There were not many people around me and this was not super early mind you. Everyone was bundled up because it was about 11 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s -11.666 for those of you using Celsius by the way (brrrrrr). I’m sure my Finnish friends would tell me that this is like a summer day to them.

Continue reading NYC Had A Snow Day Today (1/3/2014)